Everything is in BETA and can break. Contact us on hello@herodotus.dev for troubleshooting.

Get Your Herodotus API Key

To get started, log in with your GitHub account to claim your API key. With this key, you'll have seamless access to the power of Herodotus. Learn more how to use API key.


For interactive exploration of Herodotus API, we provide a Swagger-based interface that allows users to test and understand our API's capabilities. Additionally, in our Herodotus documentation you will find the product summary, architectural design, and hands-on tutorials, giving an overview of Herodotus from both a technical and practical perspective.

HDP Documentation

Herodotus Data Processor (HDP), a tool that allows developers to create and manage "data lakes" and execute sophisticated computational tasks over them thanks to HDP Modules.

Storage Proof Explorer

The Storage Proof Explorer is a developer friendly tool that retrieves and presents detailed information about the requested proof, such as transaction status, transaction hash, timestamp, fees, and the proof address.

Storage Slot Tool

Compute storage slots of all the variables within smart contracts, which encompass dynamic elements such as arrays and mappings, allowing for specific index or key designation.

Turbo Demo

Prove account activity with Turbo - a smart contract interface to the Herodotus Storage Proof API.

Merkle Mountain Range (MMR) Visualizer

Create, visualize, and understand the complexities of MMRs in real time. Ideal for blockchain developers who wish to understand how MMRs are used to build off-chain Historical Block Hash Accumulators and more.

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